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  1. Hierholzer, M.; Brunner, H.; Laska, T.; Porst, A.: "Characteristics of High Voltage IGBT Modules". PCIM 1995, Nürnberg; Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 135-139
  2. Griessel, R.; Tursky, W.: "The Latest Step in Intelligent Integrated Power". PCIM 1995, Nürnberg; Proc. Power Electronics
  3. Majumdar, G.; Hatae, S.; Fukunaga, M.; Oota, T.; Mori, S.; Thal, E.: "600 V HVIC Incorporated Application. Specific IPMs for Low Power Motor Control", PCIM 1995, Nürnberg; Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 155-161
  4. Hertrich, H., Reinmuth, K.: "HITFET-A New Generation of Intelligent Low Side Switches". PCIM 1995, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp.9-15
  5. Konrad, S.; Anger, K.: „Electro-thermal Model for Simulating Chip Temperatures in PWM Inverters" PCIM 1995, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 219-228
  6. Szeponik, S., Berger, G., Petzoldt, J., Gens, W.: "Correction of the Current-Depending Voltage Fault in PWM-Inverters with Higher Pulse Frequency by a Control-Automat". PCIM 1995, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 289-295
  7. Soule, C.: "Thermal Management of IGBT Power Modules“. PCIM 1995, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp.297-312
  8. Lindemann, A.: „Investigations on Electromagnetic Compatibility of Power Semiconductor Modules Integrated in a Converter“, PCIM 1995, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp.251-262
  9. Ruedi, H.; Köhli, P.; u.a.: „Dynamic Gate Controller (DGC) – A new IGBT Gate Unit for High Current /High Voltage IGBT Modules“, PCIM 1995, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics
  10. Konrad, S.: "Thermal Behaviour of Power Modules in PWM-Inverter". EPE 1995, Sevilla, Spanien, Proc. Vol. 1, pp. 565-570
  11. Reimann, T., Petzoldt, J.: "The Dynamic Behaviour of Power Transistors at Impressed di/dt in ZVS Applications", EPE 1995, Sevilla, Spanien, Proc. Vol. 1, pp. 571-576
  12. Hiyoshi, S.; Yanagisawa, S.; u.a.: "A 1000 A 2500 V Pressure Mount RC-IGBT". EPE 1995, Sevilla, Proc. Vol.1, pp. 51-56
  13. Brunner, H.; Hierholzer, M.; Spanke, R.; Laska, T.; Porst, A.: "3300 V IGBT-Module for Traction Application", EPE 1995, Sevilla, Proc. Vol. 1, pp. 56-60
  14. Coquery, G.; Lallemand, R.; Wagner, D.; Gibard, P.: "Reliability of the 400 A IGBT Modules for Traction Converters. Contribution on the Power Thermal Fatigue Influence on Life Expancy“. EPE 1995, Sevilla, Proc. Vol. 1, pp. 60-66
  15. Kraus, R.; Reddig, M.; Hoffmann, K.: „The Short-Circuit Behaviour of IGBTs Based on Different Technologies“, EPE 1995, Sevilla, Proc. Vol. 1, pp. 157-161
  16. Gerstenmaier, Y.C.; Scheller, G.; Hierholzer, M.: "Short Circuit Ruggedness, Switching and Stationary Behaviour of New High Voltage IGBT in Measurement and Simulation". EPE 1995, Sevilla, Proc. Vol.1, pp. 583-588
  17. Blaabjerg, F.; Pedersen, J.K.; Jaeger, U.: „A Critical Evaluation of Modern IGBT-Modules“ EPE 1995, Sevilla, Proc. Vol. 1, pp. 594-601
  18. Aloisi, P.: "Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Family", EPE 1995, Sevilla, Proc. Vol. 1, pp. 608-614
  19. Steimel, A.; Teigelkötter, J.: „A New Test Bench for High Power Turn-off Semiconductor Devices“ EPE 1995, Sevilla, Proc. Vol. 1, pp. 631-636
  20. Shen, Z. J.; Robb, S. P.; Taomoto, A.: "Current Sensing Characteristics of IGBTs under Short Circuit Conditions“, EPE 1995, Sevilla, Proc. Vol.2, pp. 202-207
  21. Eckel, H.-G.; Sack, L.: „Optimization of the Short-Circuit Behaviour of NPT-IGBT by the Gate Drive“ EPE 1995, Sevilla, Proc. Vol. 1, pp. 213-218
  22. Medaule, D.;Majumdar, G.: "Last Improvements of Intelligent Power Modules for Motor Drive" EPE 1995, Sevilla, Proc. Vol.2, pp. 294-301
  23. Fragapane, L.; Letor, R.; Saya, F.: "Optimization of 1000 V Epitaxial IGBT Device for 2 kW Zero Current Resonant Converter", EPE 1995, Sevilla, Proc. Vol. 2, pp. 282-287
  24. Klotz, F., Petzoldt, J.: "Modelling of Conducted EMI", EPE 1995, Sevilla, Spanien, Proc. Vol. 3, pp. 356-361
  25. Constapel, R.; Korec, J,; Baliga, B.J.: "Trench-IGBTs with Integrated Diverter Structures" ISPSD 1995, Yokohama, Proc.; pp. 201-206
  26. Dettmer, H.; Fichtner, W.; Bauer, F.; Stockmeier, T.: "Punch-Through IGBTs with Homogeneous N-Base Operating at 4 kV Line Voltage", ISPSD 1995, Yokohama, Proc.; pp. 492-496
  27. Majumdar, G.; Hatae, S.; Fukunaga, M.; Oota, T.: „Application Specific IPM for Low Power-End Motor Drives", ISPSD 1995, Yokohama, Proc.; pp. 207-211
  28. Takahahi, Y.; Yoshikawa, K.; Koga, T.; Soutome, M.; Seki, Y.: "Experimental Investigations of 2.5 kV-l00 A PT-Type and NPT-Type IGBTs", ISPSD 1995, Yokohama, Proc.; pp. 70-74
  29. Tanaka, A.; Mori, M.; Saito, R.; Yamada, K.: "2000 V 500 A High Power Module" ISPSD 1995, Yokohama, Proc.; pp. 80-83
  30. Kudoh, M.; Otsuki, M.; Momota, S.; Yamazaki, T.: "Current Sensing IGBT Structure with Improved Accuracy", ISPSD 1995, Yokohama, Proc.; pp. 119-122
  31. Hotz, R.; Fichtner, W.; Bauer, F.: "On-state and Short Circuit Behaviour of High Voltage Trench Gate IGBTs in Comparison with Planar IGBTs", ISPSD 1995, Yokohama, Proc.; pp. 224-229
  32. Fukumochi, Y., Suga, I., Ono, T.: "Synchronous Rectifiers using New Structure MOSFET" ISPSD 1995, Yokohama, Proc. pp. 252-255
  33. Sunkavalli, R., Baliga, B.J.: "Integral Diodes in Lateral DI Power Devices" ISPSD 1995, Yokohama, Proc. pp. 385-390
  34. Richard, K.W., u.a.: "The Bidirectional Power NMOS-A New Concept in Battery Disconnect Switching" ISPSD 1995, Yokohama, Proc. pp. 480-485
  35. Tornblad, O., u.a.: "Simulations and Measurements of Emitter Properties in 5 kV Si PIN Diodes" ISPSD 1995, Yokohama, Proc. pp. 380-384
  36. Godbold, C.V.; u.a.: „A Comparison of Power Module Transistor Stacks“ PESC 1995, Atlanta, USA, Proc. Vol. I, pp. 3-9
  37. Palmer, P.R.; Githiari, A.N.: „The Series Connection of IGBTs with Optimized Voltage Sharing in the Switching Transient“, PESC 1995, Atlanta, USA, Proc. Vol. I, pp. 44-49
  38. Li, H.H.; u.a.: „Performance Comparison of IGBTs and MCTs in Resonant Converters“ PESC 1995, Atlanta, USA, Proc. Vol. I, pp. 50-54
  39. Bernet, S., Petzoldt, J.: "AC-Link Converters with MCTs and Reverse Blocking NPT-IGBTs" PESC 1995, Atlanta, USA, Proc. Vol. II, pp. 1258-1264
  40. Klotz, F., Petzoldt, J.: "Modell zur Berechnung leitungsgebundener elektromagnetischer Störungen durch leistungselektronische Schalter", 8.Symposium Maritime Elektronik, Universität Rostock, 1995, Band Maritime Energie- und Steuerungstechnik, pp. 89-93
  41. Bachofner, A., Feldfoß, M., Konrad, S., Laska, Th.: "IGBTs der 2. Generation: Kraftpakete auf kleinstem Raum", SIEMENS Components, 33. Jg. Heft 2/95, pp. 46-48
  42. Klotz, F.: "Vermeidung von Überspannungen am Ende langer Motorleitungen" Elektrie, Berlin, Jg. 49, 1995, Heft 5, pp. 54-58
  43. Reimann, T.: "Verhalten abschaltbarer Leistungshalbleiterbauelemente im ZVS-Mode" Dt. Dissertation, TU Ilmenau, 1994, Verlag Shaker, Aachen, 1995, ISBN 3-8265-0538-7
  44. Bernet, S.: "Leistungshalbleiter als Nullstromschalter in Stromrichtern mit weichen Schaltvorgängen" Dt. Dissertation, TU Ilmenau, 1995, Verlag Shaker, Aachen, 1995, ISBN 3-8265-0762-2
  45. Bruckmann, M.; Sigg, J.; Türkes, P.: „Reihenschaltung von IGBT’s in Experiment und Simulation“ 24. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungsbauelemente und Materialgüte von Silizium, Freiburg, 1995, Tagungsband, Vortrag 6
  46. Stockmeier, T.; u.a.: „Zuverlässiges Hochleistungs IGBT Modul für Traktionsanwendungen“ 24. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungsbauelemente und Materialgüte von Silizium, Freiburg, 1995, Tagungsband, Vortrag 18
  47. Hofer, P.; Hugel, J.: „Ansteuerseitige di/dt- und du/dt-Regelung für IGBT-Umrichter“ 24. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungsbauelemente und Materialgüte von Silizium, Freiburg, 1995, Tagungsband, Vortrag 19
  48. Konrad, S.; Zverev, I.: „Treiber- und Schutzkonzepte für spannungsgesteuerte Leistungshalbleiter“ 24. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungsbauelemente und Materialgüte von Silizium, Freiburg, 1995, Tagungsband, Vortrag 20
  49. Reimann, T.; Bernet, S.: "Beanspruchung und Verhalten von IGBTs beim weichen Schalten als Nullstromund Nullspannungsschalter", 24. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungsbauelemente und Materialgüte von Silizium, Freiburg, 1995, Tagungsband, Vortrag 21
  50. Lutz, J.; Nagengast, P.: „Die Controlled Axial Lifetime (CAL)-Diode unter sehr hoher dynamischer Belastung“, 24. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungsbauelemente und Materialgüte von Silizium, Freiburg, 1995, Tagungsband, Vortrag 26
  51. Reinmuth, K.; Lorenz, L.: „Protected IGBTs and Modules“, PCIM Europe, Jan./Feb. 1995, pp. 20-23
  52. Emerald, P.; Greenland, P.: „Power Multi-Chip Modules“, PCIM Europe, Sep./Oct. 1995, pp. 242-246
  53. Passerini, B.: „Heat Exchangers in Power Modules“, PCIM Europe, Sep./Oct. 1995, pp. 248-252
  54. Sperner, A.; Baab, J.: „Super Fast Diodes and their Increasing Demand in Industrial Applications“ PCIM Europe, Nov./Dec. 1995, pp. 308-315
  55. Iida, T; u.a. „Trench IGBT for Battery-Operated Vehicles“, PCIM Europe, Nov./Dec. 1995, pp. 318-319
  56. Redl, R.: „Power Electronics and Electromagnetic Compability“, PESC’96, Baveno, Proc. Vol. I, pp. 15-21
  57. Busatto, G.; Fioretto, O.; Patti, A.: „Non-Destructive Testing of Power MOSFETs Failures during Reverse Recovery of Drain-Source Diode“, PESC’96, Baveno, Proc. Vol. I, pp. 593-599
  58. Elasser, A.; Torrey, D.A.; u.a.: „Switching Losses of IGBTs under Zero-Voltage and Zero-Current Switching“, PESC’96, Baveno, Proc. Vol. I, pp. 600-607
  59. Reimann, T.; Krümmer, R.; Petzoldt, J.: „Comparison of 1200 V/50 A State-of-the-Art Half-Bridge IGBTModules and MCT“, PESC’96, Baveno, Proc. Vol. I, pp. 620-626
  60. McNeil, N.; Finney, S.J.; Willams, B.W.: „Assesment of Off-State Negative Voltage Requirements for IGBTs“, PESC’96, Baveno, Proc. Vol. I, pp. 627-630
  61. Gerster, Ch.; Hofer, P.; Karrer, N.: “Gate-control Strategies for Snubberless Operation of Series Connected IGBTs”, PESC’96, Baveno, Proc. Vol. II, pp. 1739-1742
  62. Merienne, F.; Roudet, J.; Schanen, J.L.: „Switching Disturbance due to Source Inductance for a Power MOSFET: Analysis and Solutions“, PESC’96, Baveno, Proc. Vol. I, pp. 1743-1747
  63. Brunner, H.; Bruckmann, M.; Hierholzer, M.; Laska, T.; Porst, A.: “Improved 3,5 kV IGBT-Diode Chipset and 800 A Module Applications”, PESC’96, Baveno, Proc. Vol. II, pp. 1748-1753
  64. Palmer, P.R.; Githiari, A.N.; Leedham, R.J.: „High Performance Gate Drives for Utilizing the IGBT in the Active Region“, PESC’96, Baveno, Proc. Vol. I, pp. 1754-1759
  65. Sigg, J.; Bruckmann, M.; Türkes, P.: “The Series Connection of IGBTs Investigated by Experiments and Simulation”, PESC’96, Baveno, Proc. Vol. II, pp. 1760-1765
  66. Mamileti, L.; u.a.: „IGBTs Designed for Automative Ignition Systems“ PESC’96, Baveno, Proc. Vol. II, pp. 1907-1912
  67. Zhang, D.; Chen, D.Y.; Lee, F.C.: „An Experimental Comparison of Conducted EMI Emissions between a Zero-Voltage Transition Circuit and a Hard Switching Circuit“ PESC’96, Baveno, Proc. Vol. II, pp. 1992-1997
  68. Julian, A.L.; Lipo, T.A.: „Elimination of Common Mode Voltage in Three Phase Sinussiodal Power Converters“, PESC’96, Baveno, Proc. Vol. II, pp. 1768-1972
  69. Klotz, F.; Petzoldt, J.; Völker, H.: „Experimental and Simulative Investigations of Conducted EMI Performance of IGBTs for 5-10 kVA Converters“, PESC’96, Baveno, Proc. Vol. II, pp. 1986-1991
  70. Hierholzer, M.: „Application of High Power IGBT Modules“ PCIM 1996, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics,
  71. Sassada, Y.; Hideshima, M.; Skinner, A.: “A New 1200 V IGBT Generation” PCIM 1996, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 27-34
  72. Arai, K.; Iwasa, T.; Yu, Y.; Thal, E.: “Development of New Concept PKG Third Generation IGBT Module U Series”, PCIM 1996, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 35-45
  73. Idir, N.; Bausiere, R.: „Comparison of MCT and IGBT Devices Operating in ZCS Mode at Constant Frequency“, PCIM 1996, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 63-68
  74. She, J.-L.; Heumann, K.; Bober, G.: „Comparison of Semiconductor Device Losses of the 2nd Generation MCT and IGBT in Hard Switched Inverter Systems“ PCIM 1996, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 69-76
  75. Lindemann, A.: „Temperature Stress and Curent Capability of Power Semiconductors in Converters“ PCIM 1996, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 661-670
  76. Bauer, F.; Dettmer, H.; Fichtner, W.; et.al.: “Design Considerations and Charcteristics of Rugged Punchthrough (PT) IGBTs with 4.5 kV Blocking Capability”, ISPSD 1996, Maui, Proc. pp. 327-330
  77. Burns, D.; Deram, I.; et.al.: “NPT-IGBT-Optimizing for Manufacturability” ISPSD 1996, Maui, Proc. pp. 331-334
  78. Teigelkötter, J.: “Schaltverhalten und Schutzbeschaltungen von Hochleistungshalbleitern” Dt. Dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 1996, VDI-Verlag, 1996
  79. Benda, V.: „Reliability of Power Semiconductor Devices - Problems and Trend“ PEMC 1996, Budapest, Proc. Vol. I, pp. 30-35
  80. Reimann, T.; Krümmer, R.; Petzoldt, J.: „Power Loss Components of 1200 V/50 A State-of-the-Art Half-Bridge IGBT-Modules and MCT“, PEMC 1996, Budapest, Proc. Vol. I, pp. 185-189
  81. Amimi, A.; Bouchakour, R.; Maurel, T.: „Modeling of Self-Heating and Degradation Effects on the Electrical Behaviour of the IGBT“, PEMC 1996, Budapest, Proc. Vol. I, pp. 146-150
  82. Spanik, P.; Dobrucky, B.; Hukel, M.; Paska, R.: „A Simulation of Inverse Mode Operation of Power MOSEFET“, PEMC 1996, Budapest, Proc. Vol. I, pp. 156-160
  83. Boudreaux, R.; Nelms, R.: „A Comparison of MOSFETs, IGBTs and MCTs for Solid State Circuit Breakers“, APEC 1996, San Jose, Proc. Vol. I, pp. 227-233
  84. Parthasarathy, V.; Torrey, D.: „A Study of the Internal Device Dynamics of Punch-Through and Non-Punch-Through IGBTs under Zero-Current Switchuíng“, APEC 1996, San Jose, Proc. Vol. I, pp. 250-257
  85. Gerster, Ch.; Hofer, P.: Gate-Controlled dv/dt- and di/dt-Limitations in High Power IGBT Converters“. EPE Journal, Vol.5, No. 3/4, Jan. 1996, pp. 11-16
  86. Cotorogea, M.; Reimann, T.; Bernet, S.: "The Behaviour of Homogeneous NPT-IGBTs at Hard and Soft Switching", EPE Journal, Vol.5, No. 3/4, Jan. 1996, pp. 23-31
  87. Konrad, S.; Zverev, I.: "Protection Concepts for Rugged IGBT Modules" EPE Journal, Vol.6, No. 3/4, Dez. 1996, pp. 11-19
  88. Eckel, H.-G.; Sack, L.: „Optimization of the Short-Circuit Behaviour of NPT-IGBT by the Gate Drive“ EPE Journal, Vol.6, No. 3/4, Dez. 1996, pp. 20-26
  89. Hanser, Th.: „Adaptable Test Equipment for IGBTs“, PCIM Europe, May/June 1996, pp. 162-166
  90. Skinner, A.: „IGBT Plus for Motor Drive Applications“, PCIM Europe, July/Aug. 1996, pp. 274-277
  91. Eschrich, F.: „IGBT-Modules Simplify Inverter Design“, PCIM Europe, July/Aug. 1996, pp. 284-287
  92. Woodworth, A.; Ambarian, C.:„SMD Power Semiconductors for Drives“ PCIM Europe, Oct. 1996, pp. 322-326
  93. Tursky, W.: „Power Modules for Compact Inverters“, PCIM Europe, Dec. 1996, pp. 380-384
  94. Noda, S.; u.a.: „A Novel Super Compact Intelligent Power Module“ PCIM 1997, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 1-9
  95. Auerbach, F.; Fischer, K.: „A New Generation of 1700 V IGBT Modules Optimies Power Consumption of High End Inverters“, PCIM 1997, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 11-18
  96. Göttert, J.; u.a.: „Insulation Voltage Test and Partial Discharge Test of 3,3 kV IGBT-Modules“ PCIM 1997, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 119-122
  97. Duong, S.; u.a.: „Investigation on Fuses against IGBT Case Explosion“ PCIM 1997, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 123-132
  98. Enck, R.C.: „Aluminium Nitride Solutions in Power Packages and Power Modules“ PCIM 1997, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 133-150
  99. Premkumar, M.K.: „Al/SiC for Power Electronics Packaging“ PCIM 1997, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 151-161
  100. Fukuda, M.; u.a.: „A Comparison between Thermal Stresses of an Insulated Metal Substrate and an Aluminia DBC“, PCIM 1997, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 177-184
  101. Ishii, K.; u.a.: „A New High Power, High Voltage IGBT“ PCIM 1997, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 185-190
  102. Tanaka, A.; u.a.: „3300 V High Power IGBT Modules with High Reliability for Traction Applications“ PCIM 1997, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 191-199
  103. Hierholzer, M.; u.a.: „Improved Characteristics of 3,3 kV IGBT Modules“ PCIM 1997, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 201-204
  104. Hiyoshi, M.; Skinner, A.; u.a.: „3,3 kV and 2,5 kV Press Pack IGBT Switching Performance and Mechanical Reliability“, PCIM 1997, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 205-215
  105. Guttowski, S.; Jörgensen, H.; Heumann, K.: „Influence of the Modulation Method on Conducted Line Emissions of Voltage-Fed Pulsed Inverters“, PCIM 1997, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 243-249
  106. Lutz, J.: „The Freewheeling Diode - No Longer the Weak Component“ PCIM 1997, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 259-265
  107. Mauder, A.; Scholz, W.: „Investigation of the Static and Dynamic Current Distribution in Paralleled IGBT Modules“, PCIM 1997, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 275-284
  108. Nickel, Ch.; Ho, P.; u.a.: „An SO-16 Isolated IGBT Gate Driver with Integrated Desaturation Protection and Fault Feedback“, PCIM 1997, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 285-292
  109. Bober, G.; Arlt, B.; Lokuta, F.: „Ultrafast IGBTs Beats MOS in Switching Applications“ PCIM 1997, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 319-325
  110. Eckel, H.G.: „Series Connection of IGBTs in Zero Voltage Switching Inverters“ PCIM 1997, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 327-333
  111. Krümmer, R., Konrad, S.; Lorenz, L.: „Investigation and Comparison of the Parallel Connection of Discrete PT- and NPT-IGBTs“, PCIM 1997, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 335-343
  112. Schimanek, E.; Mackert, G.: „Semikron SKiiPPACK with New Driver Principle „OCP“ - The Next Step in Intelligent Power Electronics (OCP - Over Current Protection)“, PCIM 1997, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 373-384
  113. Ferber, G.; u.a.: „Economy Improvement in Inverter-Converter Module Design“ PCIM 1997, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 455-463
  114. Bhotto, G.; Carpita, M.; u.a.: „Series Connected Soft Switched IGBTs for High Power, High Voltage Drives Applications: Experimental Results“, PESC 1997, St. Louis, Proc. Vol. I, pp. 3-7
  115. Githiari, A.N.; u.a.: „A Comparison of IGBT Models for Use in Circuit Design“ PESC 1997, St. Louis, Proc. Vol. II, pp. 1554-1560
  116. Strollo, A.G.M.: „A new IGBT Circuit Model for SPICE Simulation“ PESC 1997, St. Louis, Proc. Vol. I, pp. 133-137
  117. Beukes, H.J.; u.a.: „Busbar Design Considerations for High Power IGBT Converters“ PESC 1997, St. Louis, Proc. Vol. II, pp. 847-853
  118. Palmer, P.R.: „Some Scaling Issues in the Active Voltage Control of IGBT Modules for High Power Applications“, PESC 1997, St. Louis, Proc. Vol. II, pp. 854-860
  119. Zverev, I.; Konrad, S.; Völker, H.; Petzoldt, J.; Klotz, F.: „Influence of the Gate Drive Techniques on the EMI-Behaviour of a Power Converter", PESC'97, St. Louis, Proc. Vol.II, pp. 1522-1528
  120. Guttowski, S.; Heumann, K.; Jörgensen, H.: „The Possibilities of Reducing Conducte Line Emissions by Modifying the Basic Parameters of Voltage-Fed Pulsed Inverters“ PESC'97, St. Louis, Proc. Vol.II, pp. 1535-1540
  121. Julian, A.L. Oriti, G.; Lipo, T.A.: „A New Space Vector Modulation Strategy for Common Mode Voltage Reduction“, PESC'97, St. Louis, Proc. Vol.II, pp. 1541-1546
  122. Ogasawara, S.; Ayano, H.; Akagi, H.: „An Actice Circuit for Cancellation of Common-Mode Voltage Generated by a PWM Inverter“, PESC'97, St. Louis, Proc. Vol.II, pp. 1547-1553
  123. Matsuda, H.; Hiyoshi, M.; Kawamura, N.: „Pressure Contact Assembly Technology of High Power Devices“, ISPSD 1997, Weimar, Proc. pp. 17-24
  124. Palmour, J.W.; Singh, R.; u.a.: „Silicon Carbide for Power Devices“ ISPSD 1997, Weimar, Proc. pp. 25-32
  125. Terashima, T.; Shimizu, K.; Hine, S.: „A New Level-Shifting Technique by Devided RESURF Structure“ ISPSD 1997, Weimar, Proc. pp. 57-60
  126. Igarashi, S.; u.a.: „An Active Control Gate Drive Circuit for IGBTs to Realize Low-noise and Snubberless System“, ISPSD 1997, Weimar, Proc. pp. 69-72
  127. Omura, I.; Fichtner, W.: „Numerical Study of Reverse Blocking Switching Devices in Current Source Inverters in Comparison with Normal Devices in Current Source Inverters and Voltage Source Inverters“ ISPSD 1997, Weimar, Proc. pp. 93-96
  128. Gerstenmaier, Y.C.; Stoisiek, M.: „Switching Behaviour of High Voltage IGBTs and ist Dependence on Gate-Drive“, ISPSD 1997, Weimar, Proc. pp. 105-108
  129. Deram, I.; u.a.: „Power MOSFET Packaged-Induced On-Resistance Reduction“ ISPSD 1997, Weimar, Proc. pp. 113-115
  130. Mitlehner, H.; u.a.: „The Potential of Fast High Voltage SiC Diodes“ ISPSD 1997, Weimar, Proc. pp. 165-168
  131. Sakamoto, K.; u.a.: „A Fast-Switching Intelligent Power MOSFET with Thermal Protection and Negative Gate Protection“, ISPSD 1997, Weimar, Proc. pp. 189-192
  132. Porst, A.; u.a.: „Improvement of the Diode Characteristics using Emitter-Controlled Principles (EMCONDiode)“, ISPSD 1997, Weimar, Proc. pp. 213-216
  133. Brunner, H.; u.a. (Siemens): „Progress in Development of the 3,5 kV High Voltage IGBT / Diode Chipset and 1200 A Module Application“, ISPSD 1997, Weimar, Proc. pp. 225-228
  134. Mori, M.; u.a. (Hitachi): „3,3 kV Punchthrough IGBT with Low Loss and Fast Switching“ ISPSD 1997, Weimar, Proc. pp. 229-232
  135. Takahashi, Y.; u.a. (Fuji): „Ultra High-Power 2,5 kV-1800 A Power Pack IGBT“ ISPSD 1997, Weimar, Proc. pp. 233-236
  136. Mochizuki, K.; u.a. (Mitsubishi): „Examination of Punch Through IGBT (PT-IGBT) for High Voltage and High Current Application“, ISPSD 1997, Weimar, Proc. pp. 237-240
  137. Laska, T.; Matschitsch, M.; Scholz, W.: „Ultrathin-Wafer Technology for a New 600 V- NPT-IGBT“ ISPSD 1997, Weimar, Proc. pp. 361-364
  138. Jaecklin, A.A.: „Integration of Power Components - State of the Art and Trends“ EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. I, pp.1-6
  139. Lorenz, L.: „System Integration - A New Milestone for Future Power Electronic Systems“ EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. I, pp.10-15
  140. Hilpert, G.; Züllig, T.: „Integrated Power Module in IGBT Technology for Modular Power Traction Converter“, EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. I, pp.106-111
  141. Sommer, K.H.; Spanke, R.; u.a.: „Multichip High Power IGBT - Modules for Traction and Industrial Application“, EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. I, pp.112-116
  142. Jörgensen , H.; Guttowski, S.; Heumann, K.: „Reduction of Conducted Line Emissions in Voltage-Fed Pulsed Inverters by using suppressor capacitors in the Intermediate Circuit“ EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. I, pp.125-129
  143. Bontemps, S.; Sable, P.; Grafham, D.: „Integral Liquid Cooled High Speed Power Module“ EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. I, pp.200-203
  144. Majumdar, G.; u.a.: „Evaluation of Application Specific IPM“ EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. I, pp.210-215
  145. Hollander, M.; Zetterberg, G.: „Evaluation of High Power IGBTs for Traction Application“ EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. I, pp.412-417
  146. Bernet, S.: „Characterization and Comparison odf IGBTs and MCTs in Zero Current Switching Converters“, EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. I, pp.482-487
  147. Lutz, J.: „Axial Recombination Center Technology for Freewheeling Diodes“ EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. I, pp.502-506
  148. Bruckmann, M.; Baudelot, E.; Mitlehner, H.; Weis, B.: „Switching Behaviour of Diodes Based on New Semiconductor Materials and Silicon -a Comparative Study“ EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. I, pp.513-517
  149. Seki, Y.; u.a.: „Ultra High-Ruggedness of 2,5 kV-1000 A Power Pack IGBT“ EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. II, pp.49-53
  150. Hofer, P.; Karrer, N.: „Modelling of Power Converter using Paralleled Intelligent IGBT Power Modules“ EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. II, pp.256-261
  151. Duke, R.M.; Ram, B.: „Comparative Emissions Measurements for Full-Bridge Switching Strategies“ EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. II, pp.800-805
  152. Palis, F.; Mecke, R.; Mecke, H.: „Influence of System Parameters on EMC-Behaviour of IGBT Inverters“ EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. II, pp.810-814
  153. Tamba, A.; u.a.: „A Novel Low-Cost and High-Reliability IGBT Module for General Use“ EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. III, pp.92-97
  154. Herzer, R.; Bokeloh, Ch.; Lehmann, J.: „A Universal Smart Control-IC for High-Power IGBT-Applications“, EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. III, pp.98-102
  155. Stengert, K.; Göbl, Ch.: „Intelligent Integrated Power for Low Power Applications“ EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. III, pp.109-112
  156. Hamidi, A.; Coquery, G.; Lallemand, R.: .Reliability of High Power IGBT Modules Testing on Thermal Fatigue Effects due to Traction Cyclesg, EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. III, pp.118-123
  157. Azzopardi, S.; Jamet, C.; u.a.: .Dynamics Behaviour of Punch-Through IGBT in Hard-Switching Converters at High Temperatureg, EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. IV, pp.1-6
  158. Siemieniec, R.; Netzel, M.; Herzer, R.: .Comparison of PT and NPT Cell Concept for 600 V IGBT'sg EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. IV, pp.24-28
  159. Wheeler, P.W.; Newton, Ch.: An Investigation of the Turn-Off Characteristics of an IGBT Under Short Circuit Conditionsg, EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. IV, pp.29-33
  160. Melito, M.; Belverde,G.; Galluzzo, A.; Musumeci, S.: .Switching Balancement of Series Connected Insulated Gate Devices by Gate Control Strategyg, EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. IV, pp.34-38
  161. Reimann, T.; Krummer, R.; Petzoldt, J.: .Active Voltage Clamping Techniques for Overvoltage Protection of MOS-Controlled Power Transistorsg, EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. IV, pp.43-48
  162. Busatto, G.; u.a.: .PSPICE Model for High Voltage IGBTsg EPE 1997, Trondheim, Proc. Vol. IV, pp.145-150
  163. Netzel, M.; Herzer, R.; Resch, U.; Schipanski, D.: .Neue Wege zur optimalen Gestaltung von Trench- IGBTsg, 26. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungsbauelemente und Materialgute von Silizium, Freiburg, 1997, Tagungsband, Vortrag 2
  164. Laska, T.; Matschitsch, M.; Scholz, W.; Porst, A.: .Ein neuer 600 V-NPT-IGBT mit 100 ƒÊm Chipdickeg 26. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungsbauelemente und Materialgute von Silizium, Freiburg, 1997, Tagungsband, Vortrag 3
  165. Gottert; Thiede; u.a.: .Extremer Frequenztest fur IGBT-Moduleg 26. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungsbauelemente und Materialgute von Silizium, Freiburg, 1997, Tagungsband, Vortrag 9
  166. Hofer, P.; Hugel, J.: .Zustandsuberwachung parallelgeschalteter IGBT/Diodenmoduleg 26. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungsbauelemente und Materialgute von Silizium, Freiburg, 1997, Tagungsband, Vortrag 10
  167. Stockmeier, T.; Frey, T.; Herr, E.; et.al.: gZuverlassiges Hochleistungs-IGBT-Modul fur Traktionsanwendungenh, 26. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungsbauelemente und Materialgute von Silizium, Freiburg, 1997, Tagungsband, Vortrag 18
  168. Zametzky, K.; Lutz, J.: .Praktische Erfahrungen beim Einsatz von Hybriddiodeng 26. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungsbauelemente und Materialgute von Silizium, Freiburg, 1997, Tagungsband, Vortrag 22
  169. Berndes, G.: .Schottky-Dioden, ein wiederentdecktes Bauelement fur die Leistungshalbleiterherstellerg 26. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungsbauelemente und Materialgute von Silizium, Freiburg, 1997, Tagungsband, Vortrag 25
  170. Held, R.; Kaminsky, N.; Niemann, E.: .Schottky-Dioden fur hohe Sperrspannungen auf der Basis von Siliziumkarbidg, 26. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungsbauelemente und Materialgute von Silizium, Freiburg, 1997, Tagungsband, Vortrag 26
  171. Shenai, K.; Trivedi, M.: .Trade-Off in IGBT Safe Operating Area and Performance Parametersg 32. IAS Annual Meeting, 1997, New Orleans, Proc., Vol. II, pp. 949-954
  172. Donlon, J.F.; u.a.: .Application Advantages of High Voltage, High Current IGBTs with Punch-Through Technologyg, 32. IAS Annual Meeting, 1997, New Orleans, Proc., Vol. II, pp. 955-960
  173. Torrey, D.A.; u.a.: „Series Connection of IGBTs with Active Voltage Balancing“ 32. IAS Annual Meeting, 1997, New Orleans, Proc., Vol. II, pp. 961-967
  174. Galluzzo, A.; u.a.: „Snubberless Balancement of Series Connected Insulated Gate Devices by a Novel Gate Control Strategy“, 32. IAS Annual Meeting, 1997, New Orleans, Proc., Vol. II, pp. 968-974
  175. Lee, H.-G.; u.a.: „An Improved Gate Control Scheme for Snubberless Operational of High Power IGBTs“ 32. IAS Annual Meeting, 1997, New Orleans, Proc., Vol. II ,pp. 975-982
  176. Sankaran, V.A.; u.a.: „Power Cycling Reliability of IGBT Power Modules“ 32. IAS Annual Meeting, 1997, New Orleans, Proc., Vol. II ,pp. 1222-1227
  177. Auerbach, F.; Lenniger, A.: „Power Cycling Stability of IGBT Modules“ 32. IAS Annual Meeting, 1997, New Orleans, Proc., Vol. II ,pp. 1248-1252
  178. Deuty, S.; Rutter, B.: „Advancements in Motor Drive Modules - Past, Present and Future“ 32. IAS Annual Meeting, 1997, New Orleans, Proc., Vol. II ,pp. 1282-1292
  179. Venkataramanan, G.; Chen, Ch.: „An Examination of Radiated Electromagnetic Emission from Hard and soft Switched Power Converters“, 32. IAS Annual Meeting, 1997, New Orleans, Proc., Vol. II ,pp. 1558-1563
  180. Nagel, A.; De Doncker, R.W.: „Analytical Approximations of Interference Spectra Generated by Power Converters“, 32. IAS Annual Meeting, 1997, New Orleans, Proc., Vol. II ,pp. 1564-1570
  181. Skibinski, G.: „Generation Control and Regulation of EMI from AC Drives“ 32. IAS Annual Meeting, 1997, New Orleans, Proc., Vol. II ,pp. 1571-1583
  182. Ferreira, J.A.: „Sources, Pathes and Traps of Conducted EMI in Switch Mode Circuits“ 32. IAS Annual Meeting, 1997, New Orleans, Proc., Vol. II ,pp. 1584-1591
  183. Krechla, A.; Machost, D.; Petzoldt, J.: „Investigation and Simulation of Low Frequency Conducted EMI in Power Electronic Circuits“, Power Quality, 1997, Nürnberg, Proc., pp. 91-96
  184. Gretsch, R.; Neubauer, M.: „System Impedances and Background Noise in the Frequency Range 2 to 9 kHz“, Power Quality, 1997, Nürnberg, Proc., pp. 79-89
  185. Lutz, J.: „Rugged FWD for IGBTs“, PCIM Europe, No. 3/97, pp. 116-120
  186. Fa. Ferraz: „Protection and Cooling of IGBTs“, PCIM Europe, No. 3/97, pp. 128-130
  187. Sax, H.; Castagnet, T.C.: „Intelligent Power MOSFETs in Drives“, PCIM Europe, No. 3/97, pp. 142-149
  188. Noda, S.; u.a.: „Compact Intelligent Power Module for Drives“, PCIM Europe, No. 4/97, pp. 226-227
  189. Ambatian, C.; Chao, C.: „IGBTs Replace Power MOSFETs in SMPS“, PCIM Europe, No. 4/97, pp. 228-230
  190. Nickel, C.: „Isolated IGBT Gate Driver with Protection and Fault Feedback“ PCIM Europe, No. 4/97, pp. 232-234
  191. Clotheir, A.; Moxey, G.: „Trends in Automotive Power Semiconductors“ PCIM Europe, No. 5/97, pp. 292-295
  192. Schütze, Th.: „Inverters with IGBT High Power Modules“, PCIM Europe, No. 6/97, pp. 344-349
  193. Klotz, F.: "Leitungsgebundene elektromagnetische Störemissionen von Leistungshalbleitertopologien" Dt. Dissertation, TU Ilmenau, 1997, Verlag ISLE, Ilmenau, 1997, ISBN 3-932633-00-8
  194. Konrad, S.: „Ein Beitrag zur Auslegung und Integration spannungsgespeister IGBT-Wechselrichter“ Dt. Dissertation, TU Ilmenau, 1997, Verlag ISLE, Ilmenau, 1997, ISBN 3-932633-09-1
  195. Rischmüller, K.: „Smart Power“, PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 1-5
  196. Zeller, H.: „High Power Components“, PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 7-16
  197. Ambarian, Ch.: „Trends in Power (Metal-Oxide) Semiconductors“ PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 359-368
  198. Aliabadi, T.; Sasada, Y.; Takemoto, H.: „100A 600V New IPM“ PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 379-386
  199. Chan, S.S:M.; Waind, P.R.; Thomson, J.; Crees, D.E.; Udrea, F.; Trajkovic, T.; Amaratunga, G.A.: „Development of the Trench Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor for High Voltage Applications“ PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 399-408
  200. Rahimo, M.T.; Findlay, W.J.; Coulbeck, L.: „An Improved Design for Ultra Soft-Fast Recovery Diodes Suitable for (600 - 1200V) IGBT Applications“ PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 409-418
  201. Lindemann, A.: „A New Chipset of 300 Volt IGBT and Diodes for Electrical Vehicles“ PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 427-434
  202. Krümmer, R.; Konrad, S.; Petzoldt, J.; Lorenz, L.: „Thermal Investigations of the Structure of Power Modules“, PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 445-454
  203. Clothier, A.: „The Application of Insulated Substrates in Automotive Systems“ PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 467-474
  204. Perruchoud, P.: „A Power Module Family Designed for Verstility“ PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 485-490
  205. Göttert, J.; Karl, A.; Mauder, A.; Scholz, W.: „A New Generation of 600 V IGBT Modules“ PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 23-32
  206. Dewar, S.; Debled, G.: „A 1200 A, 3300 V IGBT Power Module for Traction Applications“ PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 33-38
  207. Sing, K.; Eschrich, F.; Kajiwara, T.: „New Intelligent Power Multi-Chips Module with Junction Temperature Detecting Function“, PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 39-46
  208. Schulz, A.; Dittmann, N.; Loddenkötter, M.; Feldvoß, M.: „Power Integration with new ECONO-PIM IGBT Modules“, PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 339-348
  209. Zametzky, K.; Lutz, J.: „The Hybrid-Diode - a High Advatage in a MOS Chopper Circuit“ PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 47-54
  210. Galster, N.; Vetsch, H.; Roth, M.; Carroll, E.: „The Design, Application and Production-Testing of High-Power Fast Recovery Diodes“, PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 55-65
  211. Schilling, O.; Hierholzer, M.; Auerbach, F.: „Technical Improvements in 1700 V High Power Modules with Rated Current up to 2400 A“, PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 349-357
  212. Mouries, G.: „Film Capacitors for IGBT Converters“ PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 771-786
  213. Lorenz, L.: „System Integration“, PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 117-128
  214. Meynard, T.: „High Power Converter Topologies“ PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 129-139
  215. Rüedi, H.: „The "Scale" IGBT-Driver: a New Scalable Compact, All Purpose, Low Cost And Easy to Use Driver for IGBTS“, PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics
  216. Lorenz, L.: „Cool-MOS – an Important Milestone Towards a New Power MOSFET Generation“ PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 151-160
  217. Jitaru, I.D.: „Power Conversion Technology for Power Levels under 3 kW“ PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 255-264
  218. Bramoullè, M.: „Film Capacitors for Power Electronics“ PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 265-274
  219. Idir, N.; Briffaut, A.; Bausiere, R.: „Improved Gate Voltage Control of Isolated Gate Transistors Allowing Safe Operation of Alternative Chopper“, PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 615-620
  220. Faulkner, A.: „Reducing the IGBT Turn-Off Transients by Use of Soft-Turn-Off Gate Drive Units“ PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 621-630
  221. Duong, S.; Schanen, J.L.; Schaeffer, C.; u.a.: „Reduction of the Parasitc Inductance of a Fuse in a Busbar Circuit“, PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 667-674
  222. Novelli, A.; Pappalardo, S.; Gariboldi, R.: „A New Family of High Voltage Half Bridge Gate Driver ICs with Fully Intgrated Bootstrap Diode“, PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 735-742
  223. Jörgensen, H.; Guttowski, S.; Heumann, K.: „Comparison of Methods to Reduce the Common Mode Noise Emission of PWM Voltage-Fed Inverters“, PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 273-280
  224. Romestant, C.; Alexander, A.; Bonhomme, C.; Julien, J.N.;u.a.: „IGBT Cooling by Heat Pipe and Air Flow“, PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics,
  225. Backhaus, K.: „Higher Integration of Driver-Circuits for IGBT/MOSFET“ PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 323-328
  226. Moxey, G.: „New High Speed IGBTs for Cost Effective High Frequency Power Supplies“ PCIM 1998, Nürnberg, Proc. Power Electronics, pp. 329-338
  227. Lutz, J.; Nagengast, P.: „Neue Entwicklungen bei schnellen Dioden“ ETG-Fachtagung, Bad Nauheim, 1998, Proc. pp. 27-42
  228. Takahashi, Y.; u.a.: „2,5 kV/1,8 kA Power Pack IGBT“ ETG-Fachtagung, Bad Nauheim, 1998, Proc. pp. 43-54
  229. Göttert, J.; Karl, A.; u.a.: „Eigenschaften von 600 V NPT-IGBT-Modulen“ ETG-Fachtagung, Bad Nauheim, 1998, Proc. pp. 55-64
  230. Schilling, O.; Auerbach, F.: „Performance and Characteristics of 1700 V Low Loss IGBT in High Power Modules“, ETG-Fachtagung, Bad Nauheim, 1998, Proc. pp. 65-74
  231. Wolfgang, E.; u.a.: „Zuverlässigkeit von Silicium-Leistungshalbleiterbauelementen“ ETG-Fachtagung, Bad Nauheim, 1998, Proc. pp. 101-112
  232. Lorenz, L.: „Systemintegration – Ein neuer Meilenstein für zukünftige leistungselektronische Systeme“ ETG-Fachtagung, Bad Nauheim, 1998, Proc. pp. 123-134
  233. Tursky, W.; Schimanek, E.: „Flexible Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik für Leistungshalbleiter“ ETG-Fachtagung, Bad Nauheim, 1998, Proc. pp. 135-148
  234. Braun, M.: „Schaltungstechnik leistungselektronischer Stellglieder mit abschaltbaren Bauelementen“ ETG-Fachtagung, Bad Nauheim, 1998, Proc. pp. 171-188
  235. Tietze, U.: „Neue Ansteuerverfahren von MOSFETs und IGBTs“ ETG-Fachtagung, Bad Nauheim, 1998, Proc. pp. 189-196
  236. Bruckmann, M.: „Einsatz von IGBT für Hochleistungsstromrichter“ ETG-Fachtagung, Bad Nauheim, 1998, Proc. pp. 221-234
  237. Peppel, T.; Heyn, G.; Vökler, D.: „Hybride Integration von Umrichter und ASM (Kompaktantrieb) im Leistungsbereich bis 22 kW“, ETG-Fachtagung, Bad Nauheim, 1998, Proc. pp. 247-254
  238. Bernet, S.; Teichmann, R.: „Hart und weich schaltende Matrixstromrichter mit rückwärts sperrfähigen NPTIGBTs für Drehstromantriebe“, ETG-Fachtagung, Bad Nauheim, 1998, Proc. pp. 255-272
  239. Marquardt, R.; u.a.: „Einsatz von hochsperrenden IGBT und GTO in Traktionsstromrichtern“ ETG-Fachtagung, Bad Nauheim, 1998, Proc. pp. 273-286
  240. Kamp, P.G.; u.a.: „Höchstsperrende Halbleiterbauelemente in stationären Hochleistungsstromrichtern“ ETG-Fachtagung, Bad Nauheim, 1998, Proc. pp. 287-300
  241. Eggert, B.: „Rückwirkungen des idealen Netzpulsstromrichters am realen Netz“ ETG-Fachtagung, Bad Nauheim, 1998, Proc. pp. 301-314
  242. Blacha, N.: „Netzfreundlicher Pulsstromrichter für USV mit digitaler Regelung“ ETG-Fachtagung, Bad Nauheim, 1998, Proc. pp. 315-332
  243. Gretsch, R.; Neubauer, M.; Krechla, A.; Petzoldt, J.: „Netzimpedanzen und Störaussendungen im Frequenzbereich 2 bis 9 kHz“, ETG-Fachtagung, Bad Nauheim, 1998, Proc. pp. 331-346
  244. Karl, A.: „IGBT Modules Reach New Levels of Efficiency“, PCIM Europe, 1/1998, pp. 8-12
  245. Lorenz, L.: „Trends in Power Integration“, PCIM Europe, 1/1998, pp. 14-18
  246. Bayerer, R.: „State of the Art and Evolution of IGBT Modules“, PCIM Europe, 2/1998, pp. 54-56
  247. Williams, R.K.; u.a.: „High-Density Trench FET Features Distributed Voltage Clamping“ PCIM Europe, 2/1998, pp. 58-64
  248. Schulz-Harder, J.; u.a.: „Fluid-Cooled DBC Substrates“, PCIM Europe, 2/1998, pp. 66-71
  249. Chan, S.S.M.; u.a.: „Trench IGBTs for High Voltage Applications“, PCIM Europe, 3/1998, pp. 128-130
  250. Parker, Z.; Aliabadi, T.: „IPM Featuring Trench IGBTs“, PCIM Europe, 3/1998, pp. 132-175
  251. Lindemann, A.: „IGBT and Diode for Electric Vehicles“, PCIM Europe, 3/1998, pp. 150-154
  252. Trivedi, M.; u.a.: „Turn-Off Failure of IGBTs under Clamped Inductive Load“ Proc. of PESC’98, Fukuoka, Japan
  253. Kimata, M.; Chikai, S.; Tanaka, T.; Ishii, K.: „High Performance Gate Drive Circuit of High Voltage IPMs (HVIPMs)“, Proc. of PESC’98, Fukuoka, Japan
  254. Azzopardi, S.; Jamet, C.; Vinassa, J.M.; Zardini, C.: „Switching Performances Comparison of 1200V Punch-Through and Non Punch-Through IGBTs under Hard-Switching at High Temperature“ Proc. of PESC’98, Fukuoka, Japan
  255. Takizawa, S.; Igarashi, S.; Kuroki, K.: „A New di/dt Control Gate Drive Circuit for IGBTs to Reduce EMI Noise and Switching Losses“, Proc. of PESC’98, Fukuoka, Japan
  256. Goldberg, G.: „Power Quality“, 14. Intern. EMC Symposium, Wroclaw 1998, Proc. pp. 15-22
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  306. Flannery, J.; et.al.: „State of the art of integrated power modules (IPMs) for 0,75 kW and 2 kW drive applications“, APEC’99, Proc. Vol. 2, pp. 657-663
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  308. E. Wolfgang: „Reliability of high-power semiconductor devices: from the state of the art to future trends“,PCIM‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings
  309. A. Laprade, G. Bober, R.H. Randall: „A Numerical Method for Evaluating Current, Voltage and Temperature Dependant IGBT Switching and Conduction Losses“, PCIM‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings
  310. Dewar, S.; et.al.: „The standard module of the 21th century“, PCIM‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings
  311. Auerbach, F.; et.al.: „6,5 kV IGBT-Modules“, PCIM‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings
  312. J. Lutz, J. Nascimento, E. Schimanek: „A 3300V 1200A Integrated Intelligent Power Module with Improved Freewheeling Diode“, PCIM‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings
  313. M. Hierholzer, et.al.: „3rd Generation of 1200V IGBT Modules“, PCIM‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings
  314. H. Iwamoto, M. Tabata, et.al.: „Features and Applications of New 1200V Trench Gate IGBT Modules“, PCIM‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings
  315. M. Matsumoto, M. Takeda, M. Ishii: „2nd Generation of 1200A-3300V HVIGBT Module“, PCIM‘99-CDROM- Proceedings
  316. S. Dewar, S. Kaufmann, M. Bayer: „A Liquid-Cooled 1500A, 4500V IGBT Module for Traction Applications“, PCIM‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings
  317. M.Cotorogea, A.C. Sanchez, J. Aguayo: „Switching Behaviour of the PT- and NPT-IGBT under ZCS Operation in a Special Test Circuit“, PCIM‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings
  318. D. Westerholt, G. Schmidt, H.-J. Schulze: „Power Capability and Reliability of High Power Semiconductors“, PCIM‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings
  319. H. Rüedi, P. Köhli: “Scale Driver for High Voltage IGBTs“, PCIM‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings
  320. Chan-Su Yun, P. Regli, J. Waldmeyer, W. Fichtner: „Static and Dynamic Thermal Characteristics of IGBT Power Modules“, ISPSD‘99, Toronto, Proc. pp. 37-40
  321. R. Saito, Y. Koike, A. Tanaka, T. Kushima, H. Shimizu, S. Nonoyama: „Advanced High Current, High Reliable IGBT Module with Improved Multi-Chip Structure“, ISPSD‘99, Toronto, Proc. pp. 109-112
  322. V. Mehrotra, J.H. Mahyar, S. Dadkhah, K. Rugg, M.C. Shaw: „Wirebond Reliability in IGBT-Power Modules: Application of High Resolution Strain and Temperature Mapping“, ISPSD‘99, Toronto, Proc. pp. 113-116
  323. Lorenz, L.; Deboy, G.; Knapp, A.; März, M.: „COOLMOS – a new milestone in high voltage power MOS“, ISPSD‘99, Toronto, Proc. pp. 3-10
  324. Gekenidis, S.; Ramezani, E.; Zeller, H.: „Explosion Tests on IGBT High Voltage Modules“, ISPSD‘99, Toronto, Proc. pp. 129-132
  325. T. Schütze, H. Berg, M. Hierholzer: „Further Improvements in the Reliability of IGBT Modules“, IAS’98, St.Louis, Proc. Vol. 2, pp.1022-1025
  326. G. Mitic, K.-H. Sommer, D. Dieci, G. Lefranc: „The thermal impedance of new semiconductor modules using AlN substrates“, IAS’98, St. Louis, Proc. Vol. 2, pp.1026-1030
  327. T. Kajiwara, A. Yamaguchi, Y. Hoshi, K. Sakurai, J. Gallagher: „New Intelligent Power Multi-Chips Modules with Junction Temperature Detecting Function“, IAS’98, St. Louis, Proc. Vol. 2, pp.1085-1090
  328. Belvedre, G.; Galluzzo, A.; Melito, M.; et.al.: „Active voltage sharing of series connected strings of IGBT devices in bridge applications“, IAS’98, St. Louis, Proc. Vol. 2, pp.817-824
  329. Busatto, G.; Cascone, B.; Fratelli, L.; Luciano, A.: „Series Connection of IGBTs in hard switching applications“, IAS’98, St. Louis, Proc. Vol. 2, pp.825-830
  330. Bruckmann, M.; Sommer, R.; Fasching, M.; Sigg, J.: „Series connection of high voltage IGBT modules“, IAS’98, St. Louis, Proc. Vol. 2, pp.1067-1072
  331. Weis, B.; Bruckmann, M.: „A new gate driver circuit for improved turn-off characteristics of high current IGBT modules“, IAS’98, St. Louis, Proc. Vol. 2, pp.1073-1077
  332. J. v.Bloh, R.W. De Doncker: „Characterizing Medium-Voltage High-Power Devices under Conventional and Soft-Switching Conditions“, IAS‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings
  333. K.-J. Um, B.-S. Suh, D.-S. Hyun: „Switching Performance of 3.3kV HVIGBTs with PT and NPT structures“, IAS‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings
  334. M. Trivedi, K. Shenai: „Evaluation of Planar and Trench IGBT for Hard- and Soft-Switching Performance“, IAS‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings
  335. G. Mitic, G. Lefranc: „Localisation of electrical-insulation- and partial-discharge failures of IGBT modules“, IAS‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings
  336. M. Hierholzer, Th. Laska, M. Lodderrkotter, et.al.: „3rdGeneration of 1200V IGBT Modules“, IAS‘99-CDROM-Proceedings
  337. T. Franke, G. Zaiser, J. Otto, M. Honsberg-Riedl, R. Sommer: „Current and Temperature Distribution in Multi-Chip Modules under Inverter Operation“, EPE‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings
  338. R.Krümmer, T. Reimann, G. Berger, J. Petzoldt, L.Lorenz: „On-line calculation of the chip temperatur of power modules in voltage source converters using the microcontroller“, EPE‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings
  339. U. Scheuermann, J. Lutz: „High Voltage Power Module with Extended Reliability“, EPE‘99-CD-ROMProceedings
  340. L. Lorenz: „COOLMOS – a new approach toward an idealized power switch“, EPE‘99-CD-ROMProceedings
  341. Wheeler, N.; et. al.: „A new 1200 V PT IGBT module using trench gate structure and local life time control“, EPE‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings
  342. P.O. Jeannin, M. Akhbari, J.L. Schanen: „Influence of Stray Inductances on Current Sharing during Switching Transitions in Paralleled Semiconductors“, EPE‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings
  343. V. Pickert: „Comparison of modified Punch-Through and Non-Punch Through IGBTs for Soft Switching Topologies“, EPE‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings
  344. Papp, G.; Marquardt, R.; Teigelkötter, J.: „Advanced IGBT converters with 4,5 kV and 6,5 kV semiconductor devices“, EPE‘99-CD-ROM-Proceedings

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